The Launch Report Zone 
    03/08/2003 - Milson Airstrip Launch Site  




Hi all,

This was a great launching day. Clear blue skies, no wind, and a free supply of Congreve Motors (for use during the day only) to all who wanted them.

So I took my turn (first in the queue) and did my level 1 cert flight. It went up on a Congreve 180H180F 29mm Reloadable and Recyclable (R & R) Motor System. It went to about 2200 ft, and the chute popped out. I was so nerverous before the launch, but that all turned into a big rush as I pressed the button and heared that wonderful sound boom out. A great flight, and with my level 1 flight now out of the way I went for a 240H80FS Reloadable and Recyclable (R & R) Motor System. (The Firestarter) and this was very impressive with great sparks and black smoke pouring out of the backend of my PML Phobos.

Ian went next with a 180H180F on is Singularity followed by a 240H80FS (See this pic in the gallery!!)

Paul also took his Level 1 cert on a 240H189STD on his Archer (3 flights in total)

Mel flew his camera rocket on an 480I180STD 38mm reload.

Congreve also did L motor static test.

Thanks to Congreve Rockets for gifting out motors to all who wanted them.

Also congrats to Myself and Paul on our Level 1 cert flights.



Milson turned out to be a great day flying for all the flyers, with good weather and very little wind
(1 to 5 mph ) at most and just to top it all Congreve Rockets announced there was "Free Motors" to all
flyers on the day. You just asked and you got it for free!! I have been modelling for over sixty years
and it was a chance in a lifetime, just my luck I had a yellow coat on all day.

Mel started the flying off with a small rocket, I think it was called Tracer 2 on a  C6-7. A good flight and landed about 2mts away from his launch pad, Mel also flew his Silver Comet, Fizz 2 on the MicroHybrid, Raptor, and what a very good flight of his OT with a Congreve 480I180STD motor in it and with a two stage recovery system, G-Wizz  DL  plus a 35mm camera installed. She went to 1,507ft, she floated down on the
drogue chute to 300ft when the main chute deployed and landed just a few mts from his launch pad. For me it was the flight of the day. Well done Mel!!, don't get me wrong as there was good flights all day

Alan M put his Executioner up first on a  D12-5, nice one, then came his Graduator on a cluster of 1x D12 -3 &  2x D11-P. Only two motors fired, lucky it was a  D11 that didn't fire, so he preped it again and this time it was a prefect flight, Alan sent another rocket up on a F20-4w but I cannot remember what its name was and that was a nice flight to.

Young James also had some good flights on rockets (sorry James can't remember the names) but they where all good flights. 

Ian  Fowler put his Singularity up on a  180H180F Congreve Motor, very good flight but this one instead  of
landing close to us decided to float into the next field where it took up resident with a Heard of Bullocks, time went by and eventually Ian did get back to us only to prep it up again with a Congreve 240H80FS and guess what, you guessed it! back with the bullocks, I wonder if he's turning cowboy.

Sean Arrowsmith was doing his Level 1 (HPR) with his rocket Phobos on a Congreve Motor 180H180F and with the motor all checked out (RSO'd) it was ready for loading onto the pad, all that was done and rechecked, we walked back to his control box and he was given the go ahead,  5-4-3-2-1-L  and that Congreve 180H180F roared into life with a good straight flight and recovery deployment. A very good flight and a very good Pass for Sean. He also put his CoffeeCup with a D12-5 up as well as putting the the Phobos
rocket up again on a 240H180FS Congreve Motor.

Now it was my turn to fly my Screamin Mimi, so Sean took over as RSO and I got her preped up with a D12-5 and out to the pad as this was its first flight. I just wondered how she would fly, 3-2-1- she was away. A good flight but you could not hear the Whistles very clearly as the fans are working well ? Sean and I was saying the one at UKRA was real loud. With that out of the way I took the RSO job back and it was time for our second cert flight to take place by Paul Carter with his Archer  preped with a 240H89STD Congreve motor he did have a small problem with the Nose cone but it was all sorted in the end and he passed with flying coulours, we just could not hold him down. All together it was flown three times all on Congreve Motors. 

Big hand for Tracy for doing the Registration of flyers and all that goes with it. Thanks Tracy

I am sure that all flyers there will remember the Day they had Free Motors to fly on, all from Congreve Rockets. Also Congreve Rockets donated a New Fire Extinguisher, Thanks Congreve Rockets

And last but not least Congreve Rockets did a Static L motor Display on for us watch

To all who read this why not give us a visit to one of our two sites (Tamworth and one at Milson) and enjoy the fun for Kids and grown up Kids to and have a cup of tea with us and have a nice day


Ray or Hank


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