The Launch Report Zone 
    05/10/2003 - Milson Airstrip Launch Site  





Hi all,

This is our last visit to Milson this year. It started off well with no clouds, but the clouds did roll in around lunchtime. I went onto RSO duty (only because I tried on my new RSO jacket and got caught!!) and RSO'd for a few hours. Mark was able to launch loads of flying saucers and there were plenty of other flights going on.

Mark took over the RSO duties in the afternoon and I was able to get MinDy and my Prolwer up on D's. I decided not to fly my repaired Phobos due to the wind that picked up late in the afternoon.

Again as it was our last session at Milson, we did a small presentation to Chris (The land owner) to say thanks for allowing us to use the site!!!

I left at 4pm leaving Mark pumping up squash bottles with air !!

Thanks to all who turned up for making the last visit a good one.


Sunday the 5th was our last session at Milson this year (For the rest of this year we will be flying
from Brook Farm - as usual all dates are on the website). The day started out with little cloud but
soon clouded over putting paid to any thought of flights to serious altitude. The clouds were
sometimes very grey with threatened rain but in the end there was no downpour! Unfortunately as I
was flying I did not take that many photos, however everything I took is available at the gallery.

Lots of interesting flights. The Carter's and Whitefields had a busy day. Paul Carter's Archer had an
oops just over the top of the pad (see photo gallery). Dave Beetons Patriot flew beautifully (again
have a look at the photo in the gallery). Ray Hancox's Screamer went a long way in the wind and
ended up in a tree where Alan and Ray recovered it after some difficulty. Alan Meredith's Graduator
went up, with a pronounced wiggle, on a D12 a D11 and an E9-6 - great flight, well done Alan. I flew
my Saucer fleet a Quest Falcon in two stage configuration and Silver Daddy (Big Daddy painted
Silver - how did you guess) on its maiden flight. There were of course lots of other flights.

We had a good spectator turn out including Hugh Nicholson, and family, the author of "Summerfield
- The History of a Rocket Research Establishment". Hugh a former employee at Summerfield
brought along his Son and Grandson. Hugh launched Sean's rocket Mindy (unfortunately the photo I
took did not come out).

The weather turned decidedly chilly/breezy in the middle of the afternoon and most people had left
the site by 1600. This left Dave B and I experimenting for a future rocket with a difference (keep an
eye out for reports over the next few months).

Thanks to Chris our host, all the guys from Congreve, Sean for doing the majority of the RSO'ing
(never try on your brand new Black Knights RSO vest in front of a group of rocketeers. However they
really do look the business with the club logo on and Range Safety Officer embroidered across the
back) and lastly to Alan for the coffee's.

All in all a good day out.

Personally I am really looking forward to next years flying at Milson its a great/picturesque site.
With Congreve Rocket Motors available shortly UK rocketry is about to change radically. I will be
doing my much postponed level II and I know others in the club have plans for impressive flights.
These events plus our weekend flying event in July its going to be a great year at Milson, I can't
wait, see you there!



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