The Launch Report Zone 
    20/03/2005 - Milson Airstrip Launch Site  




Hi all

I saw the forecast for the weekend and it looked good, so this weekend I put apo11o on hold and got out my flying gear. In the week leading up to Sunday I got my UKRA number so the next step was to do my Level 1 with my LOC IV.

I got to Milson late, I did say I would be there for 10am but some how I over ran. Sean and Ray (good to see Ray back) was already putting up a new tent, so I jumped out of the Maverick and gave them a hand (not the best pair to be doing this, Ray with his bad foot and Sean with his bad back).

The day started well, a quick look around and most people had stared to prep their rockets. My first flight was with my Loc Graduator with a cluster of 3 (2 x D11-P and 1 x D12 -5) luck was on my side with this one as I only got two out of the three to light and it still left the pad safely, popped its chute and and landed in the sheep field. Next up was my level one fight on my LOC IV (I would like to say a big thank you to Ray and Paul at this point, Paul for the gift of the motor and Ray for watching me prep the motor and the rocket). The flight was great but the ending was not so good :-(

So I now have to build something big for the Flamer, so with that note it is time to step up a gear with my Minie Mag project.

P.S. I would like to say thank you to all blackkinghts who helped out on the day

Best regards



I was up and about early Sunday morning hoping for blue skies but alas it was dull, damp and not to warm. I I started off at 0915 hrs, this was my first meeting of the year due to a spell in hospital.
I did have a good run down to Milson Airstrip, Sean had arrived shortly before me and set up the PA system and range parameters then we got the Marquee out. A new one which has a heavy frame (isn't it Sean!) as we where struggling with it, our landlord drove up and gave us some advice on erecting the frame. That done we found that the roof tarpaulin was damaged and so I have got to return the roof tarp. By this time Alan M of Apo11o turned up to give us a hand getting things sorted.
As time goes by people were arriving thick and fast, we were also well attended by vendors four shops Apo11o, Rocket & Things,Congreve and Deepsky. Almost a full hand.

Before flying started Mel S our senior RSO gave a safety briefing to all who was there, Chris also gave us a warning that there maybe a light aircraft wanting to land at some time in the day, that all done flying began with a small rocket to open the flying, with blue skies appearing now and then two members managed to do there Level one ( 1 ) to John Walker and Level two ( 2 ) to Paul Carter. Alan M had a problem with his rocket so hard bad luck there Alan.

There was a lot of good flights and the rocket gods were up to there tricks as usual a tree got in the way of someone's rocket so out came the long poles. you got it down.     

It was 1615 hrs, time for me to go, so thanks for a good turn out of shops, flyers and visitors. Mark, Sean and Mel for RSOing, Chris the landlord and the farmer Paul Hinwood who reported a lost Rocket to the Club.


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Name Rocket Kit/Scratch Motor (Single, Cluster, Staged) Recovery Motor Motor Mfr Total Impulse Comments

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