The Launch Report Zone 
    20/04/2003 - Brook Farm Launch Site  




Hi all,

A small turnout for our second launch of the year, but as it was Easter Sunday many people had family commitments. Weather was fantastic, clear blue skies, solid ground (no mud!!!) but a really strong breeze.
Welcome to all those new members who turned up, we hoped you had a great day and hope to see you next month.

Thanks goes out to Pete for bringing the shop along.

Alan Meredith Report:
Got to the black knights meet about 11.45 and there was only a few people and one surprise. Pete from Pete's Rockets with his goody van was all ready here. Ii set up the tea shop in the back of my car. As we are now flying from the top of the main field as our regular spot is now planted. This did not stop the wind
from coming up the field at a good rate of knots, which meant that we had very few flights. The most frequent flyer was (i think ) Ian Harvey and next was Simon Robinson. I only had one flight with my graduator and it had a hard landing. By the the time came to do the flyers pic most had packed up and gone home. We had a competition for a ester egg, which was going to be nearest the pad "Spot Landing" competition but the wind was blowing so bad, I put some numbers in to a hat and ask every one to take one. Malcolm Ingram
picked out a number as he was the most senior club member, the winner tuned out to be Jules Savile

Ray Hancox Report:
Yes, the Rocket gods were up to their tricks again but at least it stayed dry with a fair bit of wind which gave the legs a work out. I started out early to meet Michael Williams our RSO for the day (Thanks Mike!) an easy day really as we only had six (6) flyers turn up with their families. Alan was doing the teas, and who turned up out of the blue? Pete of Pete's Rockets (more money
We had some flights which did not like to use their parachutes, motors that wouldn't work, streamers got in a mess etc...
Alan had a good flight with his Graduator (cluster 3xD 12-5) very good,  Ian Harvey's Tango 1 went up on a D12-5, went well, Simon  Robinson's Raptor went up on a D12-3, was good but the ejection charge was very powerful. Every one commented on it!!. Simon also had a V2 but I missed it for some reason,  Pete D had a VMX 2 glider and let Mike fly it and some flight it was, landed up by the Lake somewhere but was recovered successfully, we also had a Rocketeer from Leeds  David Turner and made himself a member. Welcome Dave!!  he had some problems with damp motors, so he sent up his Grey on a B4-4, and his Big Rage on a B6-4.


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