The Launch Report Zone 
    13/06/2003 - Static Display at RAF Cosford  




Black Knights Members Promote Hobby Rocketry at Cosford Aerospace Museum

Black Knights members Alan Meredith, Sean Arrowsmith and Mark Perman put on a static display at the Aerospace Museum at RAF Cosford on the 13/06/04, We had a good day "talking rockets" and answering questions from visitors to the stand. We gave out lots of leaflets advertising the club, its activities and UKRA.

Mark and I arrived on site around 3pm on the Saturday and with the help of Liz and then followed by Alan we got the 9m gazebo up in the steady wind and got it guy ropped down around 5pm and then started to fill it up with all our display stuff and rockets. Alan and Liz left around 6:30pm and left Mark and myself to fend for ourselves. With no eating places to be found open, we headed off to the nearest village (after asking a RAF guard with a pointy gun for directions!!) and found a chinese take-away. With the take-away in hand it was back to the gazebo and several cans of beer and a bottle of wine watching the sun go down and then the fun fair turned up and started all their generators right next to us. It was loud, they finally packed it all in around 11:30pm and we then bedded down in the gazebbo for a quite nights sleep.

We were woken around 5:30 to the sound of another trader banging in tent stakes for his trading tent 1m away from us, and then within half an hour the whole site was buzzing with dealers turning up and setting up. So we got up and started to move the displays around and putting rockets on stands outside the gazebo. Time then flew by and before we knew it Alan turned up with Sharon and the kids and then we took turns manning the stand and looking around. Again time flew by and then the planes atarted to start flying, so I grabbed my video and got a few short bursts of video.

Sadley the show ended at 18:00 and packing everything away was quicker than unpacking. We all said our goodbyes and left about 18:45.


Thanks to Mark for taking me, Liz for helping take the rockets up to Cosford, Alan and Sharon for helping. Next year will be better.

Thanks also goes to RAF Cosford for allowing us to promte rocketry and providing the stand.

Thanks also goes to Mr Chef for the Chinese take-away (it was very nice!!)




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